Our wonderful Support Worker in the Community Holly Rogose works for the Willows at Home service here at GP Care Services and took part in the Memory Walk for Alzheimer’s 2024 in October, fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Holly is giving something back by doing the walk.
Also, Holly’s Grandad passed away last year from vascular dementia, but Holly found out only recently of his diagnosis. Having seen the change in her Grandad and now knowing how the illness affected someone very meaningful to her, she wanted to help other families like hers.
Well done Holly for completing the walk and raising £130!

About Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a specific type of dementia characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive decline.
Willows at Home is our home care service that offers personalised individual care for those living with dementia, giving their families and carers time off from caring and an opportunity to have a life as well as ensuring their loved ones living with dementia get to keep their independence for as long as possible.