Paediatric Phlebotomy
We provide blood services for children aged 0 – 16 years of age.

Specialist infant care
What we do
We provide specialist blood taking services for children at our child friendly clinic. Our qualified team are all highly trained and are supported by Healthcare Assistants whom have had additional special training for looking after under 1 year olds.
We only accept referrals sent in by your GP, Paediatric Consultant or Audiologist and we offer routine and urgent appointments and genetic blood tests.
testing & results
How it works
Up to 1 hour prior to appointment, you may apply a topical cream to your child, (available from your pharmacist), this will numb the area where the bloods are being taken from, alternatively the team in clinic will apply a numbing spray before taking any bloods.
Once the tests have been completed, they are sent to the laboratory to be checked. Comments may also be added to the results to explain their meaning and the results will then be reported back to your doctor who requested for the test to be taken.
For any test results, please wait up to 7 working days before contacting your referring doctor or GP practice. Should you telephone the doctor for results, please be aware that your child’s results may only be given to you by a doctor involved in your child’s care.

Where to find us
Our services are available Monday to Friday 09:00am – 16:00pm at the following clinics:
For further information please get in touch